UK: Charity film urges child sex abuse viewers to stop and contact helpline

Source: 4/25/23

A new short film which aims to act as a “wake-up call” to people viewing child sex abuse images online has been released by a charity urging offenders to call its helpline and put a stop to their behaviour.

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF), which runs a helpline for those concerned about accessing images of children being abused, warned that people who offend online “come from all backgrounds and walks of life and don’t conform to stereotypes”, so everyone must be aware of the risks.

Last month the charity released figures showing that the number of people accessing the LFF Stop it Now! helpline had risen by two thirds in the past year to more than 270,000.

It said around a quarter of people who call the Stop It Now! helpline do so because they are concerned about another adult’s sexual behaviour involving children.

Its latest research suggests 70% of people would encourage a friend or family member to seek help if they believed they were looking at sexual images or videos of children.

The film comes in the same week as an internet watchdog found that images of children aged as young as seven being abused online have risen by almost two thirds while the number of webpages found to contain the most extreme material has doubled in recent years.

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So, a couple takeaways here:”helpline for those concerned about accessing images of children being abused”. Ok, that I can understand. A child coerced or forced to perform sexual acts on or with an adult is abuse, that is abuse, pretty clear. So then we step that down to further in the article… “looking at sexual images or videos of children”, so now just a naked child is worthy of somehow needing a helpline for witnessing and taking pleasure from something that clearly is not abuse? There doesn’t even have to be another person present, it’s just morphed into the sheer image that is now instantly defined as abuse? So beings society lacks the capacity to define a child the same way they can’t define a woman, any individual under the age of 18 is a child. Age of consent isn’t considered here, only the legal age for porn, albeit 18, worldwide. So the conclusion here… Any individual under 18 who does anything sexual via a camera is automatically being harmed and is being abused? I guess we have to remember that children have no sexual urges nor do they find it fun to be sexual. This even goes into the teen years, anything done alone or even with someone their own age that is shared willingly via a computer is now abuse? Seriously? Or is the word abuse just tossed in there to extract as much hate as possible from the entire planet towards 1 individual for viewing what never was a trauma to anyone to begin with? It sure has been used to it’s fullest to setup a helpline.

This is how they operate. We’ve seen it before. Informants. No connotation for speech…right?
The very second WJC signed the Act within the Act condemning the first humans to machine database subservience; the rest of humanity went with. Most just do not know it yet. “Registry” uses are proliferating and the pitfalls are mounting up. So here they are, them that called for NECESSARY use in the first place are bemoaning the outcome they insisted upon. Crystal clear crying of Wolf over the people’$ USE of the machine database. You want to URGE something? And then refer to the internet? And say, ” Don’t do that for God’s sake!” Ha! Ha! Ha! These same folks proliferate lotteries making revenue upon human addiction. Sugar barons, fuel barons, bait barons, sell sell sell.

They say the universe is so large that many kinds of life can be. You can bet you won’t find a database driven ecosystem, an electronic planet. Bots In Space waste will not be nature’s doing!
That’s all on human ambition alone. Ever read any Musgrave? I for one, believe him.

Where’s the short film this post is all about?

You cannot be classified as dangerous. You have attacked no person. Do not let them silence you. You filed suit but lost in the 7th circuit. The fascists won the day. In my County, rock, it only costs 45$ to open your old case. I’ve made good use of that option. Because your current ” obligation ” is not in the record itself ( You damn well need your own copy of the original proceedings) you’ve prime evidence ” to contest.” ( it doesn’t mean you’ll win either) But you’ll find the experience, cathartic.
If possible use the same jurisdictional court to do it. You’ve my number still so if use your cell phone at the court clerks office,
I’ll talk you through it. Take the bills for the electronic device and make copies for judge & DA, clerk will time stamp them. WI law provides for “new factor” as grounds. State will rebutt, via standard waiver & 7th appeal ruling ( but as the most gracious Mr. Stevens put it “If no liberty at stake; Who would complain?” You might want to review Sec 396. On forfeiture limits per the “class” of conviction. The class of the offense is noted on the sealed ” judgement of conviction” with clerks time stamp.
I’ve not given you ” legal advice.” I’ve given you potential factual procedural practices. These are facts not advice. This is NOT a Tik Tok challenge!!!!!!!!!!!but I can prewrite probably everything the district attorney will say in this post, but I will refrain.

Deputy chief constable Ian Critchley, from the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “Viewing sexual images of children online is never victimless. These are crimes which destroy and devastate lives, including the lives of the children and families of people arrested.”

Constable, are you saying the perp in the video is destroying or devastating lives? Because I know you’re not talking about the person doing the viewing. If so, you are incredibly dumb

Last edited 1 year ago by Doc Martin

We are not finding you fast enough and or getting enough people convicted of CP so please turn yourself in so your life can be destroyed and our narrative can be validated. Yep viewers of CP will definitely do that.

Interesting, to me, that the this group is stating in no uncertain terms, that Law Enforcement alone cannot fix the Non-Production CP issue. That self disclosure as a means of getting help, is critical to addressing the problem. That this group is seeing non-prod viewers in the same light as substance abusers.

For decades, the US and the world assumed we could beat drugs out of society with a police officer’s nightstick….and failed. Creating means of seeking help for whatever made the substance attractive in the first place, has proven to be more successful at addressing this issue than any and all law enforcement efforts. Still, we nightstick as many people as we can…just because we want to.

I do not imagine America changing anything as a result of this. Better to keep failing doing what we want than achieve any level of success doing things we hate.

As this post is on what’s happening in UK, Steve Lehto @lehtoslaw@youtube is discussing UK implementation of AI traffic cams: Creepy AI traffic cams peer into cars to create violations. The UK citizens do not have the all the same protections US citizens are afforded by our ratified document.
Our founders outlawed continuous government surveillance!
The purveyors of AI are actively looking for work around on that score.

If you use or trust this service, you are an idiot. This is a vile entrapment scheme by evil police. They will record your call, trace it, and arrest you. They have shown time and time again they do not care for the morality of how they get arrests. They have not provided immunity. They have not earned your trust. There is no help available to people dealing with these urges aside from personally trusted confidants. Going to a psychologist, helpline, or any religion or government service is suicide. Don’t be a naive idiot.